Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Crumpled in the jungle

Hola my blogué crew. Hope you didn´t miss me too much, but I been busy bee with all da travelling around godforsaken parts of the world.

This will be a quick one, since (again) we are in an internet place where the clock is ticking fast till closing time and an impatient internet king is tapping his little fingernails on his desk. Impatience is not a virtue.

After our highlander expeditions, we flew in a tiny 20 seater plane to Trinidad, in the Amazon Basin. The plane was like the Tube, but worse, in terms of space, and it shook and had fits and seizures in the clouds over the Amazon. And every time it would cough and shiver, I would pray to all the saints and gods, the Bolivian Aymará Sun and Moon, and most of all to the pilot, that we should land safely. It didn´t help that I was reading a piece called ´The End of Travel´which made my paranoia worse. I´ve realised that I have thought of dying many times on this trip, and that I have a tendency to exaggerate and think of the worst possible outcome. This is a shock to me. I used to think I was an optimist. But the Bolivia trip has made me think otherwise and realise I am not as acquainted with myself as I had thought. Perhaps some of you, who know me better than I think I know myself, will laugh at this observation in smugness, but there you go.

So tomorrow I´ll write more... Please stay on the edges of your seats and don´t go changin´(as they say on CNN).
By the way, Vittoni Vitteloni, no leaves is how many I am allowed out. Not one, apparently. Might clone it. Though we are bringing something else... won´t tell you what though. But it´s not illegal, so don´t get too excited.
Lorra love.


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